Ecommerce product page design in HTML

Ecommerce product page design

Nowadays eCommerce is one of the biggest marketplaces in the world to sell products in the digital world. For this purpose, we need to create an eCommerce store. And in this particular post, we will be discussing how to create an eCommerce product page in HTML CSS, and JS for any online store. In the last post, we created a Product page design HTML CSS. But now we will be discussing how to create a product page in HTML, CSS, and JS.

The eCommerce product page in HTML and CSS:

black crop
Black Nike

As you can see in the above image we have created an eCommerce product page for a single product in HTML, CSS, and JS. This page is responsive across all devices. We have used HTML, CSS, and JS as a language for this page development. And vs code is used as a code editor. Now let us see which properties and tags of HTML and CSS are used in this page design.


Html is used at a very high level in the development of web pages. It is widely used because it has a lot of tags and these tags help us to create a strong and powerful skeleton of the page. Here we have imported the image using the image tag. Then heading is added using the h1 tag. The description has been added using a paragraph tag. The button is created with the help of a button tag and so on.


This page has a solid color background. It is set using the background-color property for this page. Then we created a box. After that, we divided it into two parts. On the left side, we have the image of the product. On the right side, we have all the information regarding the product. The heading is set along with a description. It is placed perfectly in right place using CSS properties.

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red 1
Red Nike


As you can see in the above images we have variations in colors. Upon clicking on the colors the color is changing along with the background. Then we have a button. This button is designed using CSS properties but it is created in HTML without design. The code of this Ecommerce product page can be embedded into any website. It will help you to add the code and then customize it according to your requirements.
If you want to learn how to create this type of beautiful eCommerce product page design in HTML and CSS then follow this tutorial till the end.

How to create an eCommerce product page in HTML and CSS?

We will be developing this eCommerce product page in three steps. Follow these steps for better results.

Download a basic code editor:

The code editor is a basic need for the development of any product in any programming language. It helps us to save time and write the code without syntax errors. It also provides suggestions during development. Every editor has its own functionalities and features but code and sublime text editors are recommended.

Html source code for eCommerce product page:

Open your code editor and create the first file. Now save this file but save it using the .html extension for the HTML file. Then use the code of HTML from here.

CSS source code:

Now again open your code editor. This time create another file of CSS and also save this file with the extension of .css because it will convert the file into a CSS file.

After creating the files of HTML and CSS, now use the above-mentioned code in your files. You will find your eCommerce product page design in your browser.

JS Source Code:

Now again open your code editor. This time create another file of JS and also save this file with the extension of (.js) because it will convert the file into a JS file.

CSS has a lot of properties and these properties cant be applied to HTML code if you have not connected both the files with each other. Use the link tag in HTML and then use the path of CSS in the link tag. It will embed the code of CSS in HTML, and the same goes for Js.

Download source code:

If you are still unable to find the result mentioned in the image, then download the source code. The source code file is given below for this page.

If you have any type of question then ask your question in the comment section. Otherwise don’t forget to rate this post.

Task and Conclusion:

It was the detail about the product page that how it was developed and which languages and properties are used for it. Now I am assigning you some tasks and you have to fulfill them for better understanding. Change the position of images from left to right. Change the font family using CSS properties. Also, remove the radius from the button(BUY NOW).
Thanks for reading this article.

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