Quiz application system in Html, CSS and JS with code

quiz app

Hi, In this lesson, we will learn how to develop a quiz application using Html, CSS and javascript. In the last session, we created a Split landing page. But now let us see how to create quiz applications using javascript.

Quiz application:

This app is responsive across all devices. It has a clear background which looks cool. Then it has a box at the center which has all the content. The box has round corners due to the radius property.  This box has a question at the top in black color. Then it has multiple choices which can be checked. You can only click on one option. Multiple ticks are not allowed. Below this, it has a submit button. After pressing it will show the next question with options.

After attempting all the questions it will show a screen that has new text. It’s showing the number which you got on your quiz. Then it has a button for reloading. After clicking on it you can restart your quiz. I hope you like this UI and this concept. Let us see how to create this quiz app with Html and js.

How to Create Quiz application?

The following steps will help you to build a beautiful quiz application using Html, CSS and Javascript.

  • Download code editor
  • Download the Html source code
  • Copy CSS code
  • Use Javascript code
  • Or download source code for free

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Source code of Html:

Source code of CSS:

Again create a file of CSS. Name it quiz.css. It will help us to manage all the content properly. It will make our app responsive across all devices. CSS will also help in coloring and font sizing etc.

Source code of javascript:

Once again create a file of javascript of name it quiz.js and save it in the same folder. Javascript will help us to add functionality to our project. It has the functionality of buttons and clicking options etc. All this happening just because of javascript.

Therefore, by using the above method you can create this quiz system on your device. If you are still unable to create it or facing any error. Don’t worry we have a solution.

We have a file that has all these files. You have to download that file from the below download button. Then extract the files. And run an Html file.

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