Create contact us form on the website in Html and CSS

contact us page

We will create a contact us form on the website using Html, CSS, and javascript. We can also create using other platforms using bootstrap, WordPress, Wix, Shopify, open-cart, etc. But in this lesson, we will create it using Html, CSS, and javascript.  In the last lecture, we discussed how to create an Html registration form. But now at this moment, we will create a website contact us form using these frontend languages which we discussed above. So, let’s start it.

Create a contact us form on the website:

It is used for writing any query or question to the website administration. It has a lot of purposes. It varies from website to website. It depends on the type of website and the services of the website. We have also created a contact us form in Html, CSS, and javascript.

This form has a solid background without a background image. Then it has a div (box). This box has all the necessary content for the website. This form is divided into two parts (left 25% and right 75%). Both have different colors and they are in contrast with each other.

On the left side of the box, it has a heading at the top “let us get in touch”. It has (an address, phone, email and website link). They are written along with their relevant icons.

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Create a contact us form on the website with validation:

The right side of the form has multiple fields. Like Name, email, subject, and message. Users have to fill in the details properly in all the fields of the form. After that he/she can press submit button to submit their details to the website.

But if they want to proceed without filling the fields of the form then it is impossible for them to proceedThis property is known as form validation. It helps in saving time for the company. This also helps in website performance. So, look into the below posts also.

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How to Create a contact us form on the website?

It is easy to create it by following our steps. So, follow every step here.

Download an IDE:

First, download a code editor like sublime text 3 or visual studio code, etc.

Source code of Html:

Then create an Html file in your IDE with the extension of .Html. Now  copy and paste this in your code to your Html file

Source code of css:

Now create a CSS file using .css extension.