Rotating navigation menu | HTML css menu templates

rotating navbar

Hello viewers, today in this lesson we will learn how to create a rotating navigation menu using Html, CSS, and javascript. In the last lesson, we learned how to create a responsive navigation bar using HTML, CSS, and javascript. But now let’s see how to create a menu with a rotating effect.

A navigation bar is the main component of the website. It is present at the top of the website. It connects all the parts of the website with each using menu of the website. This has different buttons which help the users to visit different parts of the website.


This navbar has a button at the top left side of the website. By clicking on this button it shows three buttons on the menu. These include Home, About, and contact. When we click on this button once again then it closes the navigation bar. It has the functionality of opening and closing the menu. It is responsive across all devices (mobile, tablet, computer/laptop).

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How to create a rotating navigation menu?

For creating a rotating navigation bar using Html, CSS, and javascript we need to create three files in our IDE.

Source code of Html for rotating navigation menu:

First, we have to create a file of HTML with the name navbar.html. Save this file in any folder on your device with the extension of .html. Then copy the given code and paste it into your file. Html is used for providing the skeleton of the menu. It helps us to write the content of the project. With CSS we design our project and make it responsive. By using javascript we provide the functionality to our project.

CSS code:

Again create a file of CSS with the name navbar.css. save this file with the extension of .css and save it in the same file otherwise, you have to provide the path of the file and folder for connecting it with the Html file. Copy this given below code and paste it into your CSS file. CSS is used for designing the navigation menu and making it responsive and unique. Without using CSS in our project we are unable to design our menu bar.

Javascript code:

Once again create a file of Javascript with the name navbar.css and save it in the same folder. Must save this file with the extension of .js. Copy this code and paste it into your javascript file. javascript will help us to handle the animation and functionality of the navigation bar.

Therefore, you can create a rotating navigation bar using these frontend languages. It is responsive across all the devices and it is working properly.

Download source code:

If you are still unable to create a rotating navigation bar then I have created a zip file. It contains all these three files. You just need to click the below button and download the zip file. Then extract these files and run the Html file and you will see your output in your browser.

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We have just developed and explained a rotating navigation menu that is created using Html, CSS, and JS. Now we are adding some extra features to this menu and it is your job to fulfill them. Use Html and CSS to modify this navbar. Add the navbar icon to the right side and stick it at the top right corner. Then provide the color according to your preferences but add active and hover color on this menu bar icon. On pressing it, it shows an animation and opens up the content. Your job is to change the animation duration on the opening and closing of the menu bar. 

Best of luck

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