New Website Preloader with source code

In this post, we will be creating a website preloader in Html and CSS languages. Website preloader is used when it requires some time to load all the objects on the page. After loading all the components on the page it shows the screen and ends the loading process. In the last post, we developed a Top 13 Neumorphic Design. Let’s start creating a preloader for the website.

website preloaders

Why website Preloader?

Website preloader is used when users want to access the website. Sometimes due to page size or internet connection, all the objects do not load. During object loading, it provides a bad image of the website. For avoiding the negative effect on the user’s mind, we use a preloader on the website. It starts loading until all the components load correctly. After loading it shows the screen of the website to the user. Now our task is to create a loader for our website and we have multiple preloaders which are given below.

Snowball Website Preloader:

snowball website preloader
Snowball Preloader

As you can see in the image we have a beautiful circular loader for the website. This loader is created using Html and CSS languages. It has certain unique features. The circular motion of this loader is the same as other loaders but the design is unique. This design of the loader makes it unique from others.


The design has three basic things to understand. They are moving balls, circles, and backgrounds. 

If you check the background then it looks like a white background. But actually, this is an image of the snow which is placed as a background image for creating a snow effect. 

Then it has a ball that is moving in a circle. This ball can be of different types. You can create a round object and then style it using CSS and make it a white ball with a shadow effect. Otherwise, the second option is to download a white round object image and then import that image into the code. After that rotate that image in the circle. The round object is moving in a circle without breaking. It is due to using 360-degree rotation and an infinite loop of rotation. 

Then we have the path of the loader. When the ball rotates in a circular motion then it leaves a path of its motion. That path has a neuromorphic design effect. It is the alternative to the white color and it makes the design really awesome.

Let’s discuss how to develop this type of loader using only Html and CSS.

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How to create a Snowball website preloader in Html and CSS?

For creating the snowball pre_loader in Html and CSS we will some steps. These steps will be followed in all the given designs which are given below as well. 

  1. Download a code editor
  2. Html source code
  3. CSS source code
  4. Download source code

In three steps you will be able to complete your project. Otherwise, the fourth step is followed when you don’t want to follow the first three steps. 

Html source code

CSS Source code

Download source code

The source code is below.

Download Source CodeClick to Download

Smiley Website Preloader:

Smiley Preloader

Now you can check in the preloader image that we have a beautiful preloader that is using smiley as an animation. It takes some lines of code to design this effect. After learning about the concept of this design and coding, the result will be ready for you.

Design and development process:

We have used two languages for the structure, design, and animation of this preloader design. In this smiley, we have three objects and a background of it. 

By using HTML we have created three objects of this smiley. They are identified with classes and ids.

Then the main part is to add CSS to that objects. The three objects are different from each other. For the first object, we created a round circle with a proper thickness, shape, and color. That is moving in a round circle and splits after covering 180 degrees. When covers below 180 degrees then it remains for some time. After that, the eye shows and their process is below. 

Then we created two round balls for eyes. Their animation time is set after completing the round 180 degrees. They are hidden when the circle is moving. After circle rotation, they start showing on the screen, and in this way, it shows an emoji. It creates a smiley emoji effect in Html and CSS. Now, let us see how we created this website preloader in the form of smiley emoji. 

How to create a smiley preloader?

The development process is the same as the above preloader but the code will be different for this preloader.

Html source code

CSS Source code

Download source code

Download Source CodeClick to Download

Pure CSS Circle Website Preloaders:

website circle preloaders
CSS Circle Loader

The preloaders are mentioned in the image and you can check these preloaders as well. These preloaders are different from the above loaders. They are different because these loaders are lightweight and simple. 

It’s difficult to mention the development process of all these loaders because we have 6 loaders and they are different from each other. We have taken 6 different <div> and then created their class or ID.

After that, we applied CSS on these <div> elements and started creating a pre-loader for the website. The function of all these is the same but the design is different and you can use anyone on your website. The starting and ending times of the loaders are different and it is according to the animations of the loader. 

So, if you want to create this type of loader as well then check the below code. The below code will help you to understand their development and coding as well. 

How to create a Pure CSS Circle Loader?

It’s easy to build this type of pre-loaders for the website in Html and CSS. Follow the below code and create these loaders for your website easily.

Html source code

CSS Source code

Download source code

Download Source CodeClick to Download


In the end, I am assigning you some tasks related to the development of these loaders. Take an emoji or icon of emoji. Then place that emoji at the center of the page and it should be responsive across all devices. Rotate that emoji in a circle and the starting and time of the loader to 4 seconds. After that, it should automatically restart again. It will be done with a loop infinite value.

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