Unique Coming Soon page template free download

Coming Soon page template

Hello, In this post, we will be discussing how to create a “Coming soon page template” page in HTML and CSS. In the last post, we created a 30-Second Countdown Timer. Today we are creating a coming soon landing page in HTML and CSS.

“Coming soon page template” in CSS:


As you can see in the image we have to create the “Coming soon page template” using HTML and CSS languages. This page has a unique design and it shows a great design related to the website.

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This page is created by websites when the website is in construction mode or not ready. It shows the users that the website is in construction and needs some time. For that website use this technique to create a template and display it on the main page of the website.

main 2 1

Content of “Coming soon page template” :

This page has an image slider and you can change this slider to solid color or place any image instead of it. Then it has a main heading of “we are launching soon”. Below this, it shows the date of coming soon. Then we created an email newsletter. This email newsletter will collect emails from the users. When the website is ready then it will send them a notification that website is ready. Once they will receive a message that the website is ready then they will visit the website due to email or you can also send any news update to your subscriber.

On the top right, there is a menu icon for more info. If you want to learn how to build this type of “Coming soon page template” page then follow this post to the end.

Coming Soon page template
Navigation Panel

This type of landing page can be created using multiple languages. But for this particular page, we have used only two languages (HTML and CSS). If we need any type of functionality in pages or movement in buttons then we have the option of javascript as well. Javascript helps developers to make their web page dynamic.

How to create a “Coming soon page template”?

To build such type of page we will use 3 steps. In these steps, we will create it from scratch. In the end, we have a product like this.

Download a code editor:

It is the first step to downloading the code editor. A lot of code editors are present in the market but we will use sublime text 3 for this project.

Html source code:

Create an HTML file and name it. Then save the file but use the .html extension at the end of the file name. It will convert your file into an HTML file. It will help the browser and code editor understand the file type. We have provided the HTML code below to use in your HTML file.

CSS source code:

Again create another file in your code editor. Now use the .css extension at the end of the file name. All the designs of this project have been done in CSS. So, we have provided the code of CSS below. Use this code in your code editor. Then connect both files of HTML and CSS with each other.

Download source code:

If you are facing any error while creating a connection between both files or miss some lines of code. Then we created a source code file. You can download this source code file from the below button. The source code file is available in a zip file.

Are you still facing any errors? If yes then ask about your problems in the comment section.

Thanks for reading this article.

Download Source CodeClick to Download
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