Split landing page | Landing page template Source code

split landing page

Hello everyone, Today we will learn how to create a split landing page using Html, CSS and javascript. In the previous session, we discussed how to create a Double click heart . But now we are discussing how to create a splitting landing page.

Split Landing page:

We have created a beautiful landing page and on this page, we have used the function of the split image. The hero section is divided into two sections with the help of div. In both sections, images are added. These images are splitting the landing page. Both sides have the same function and they are equal in image size, button and text as well. It means that this page has content in two different sections. Both have equal space on the page.

It has two images and both images have text which is their name. Then they have buttons with the text ”Buy Now ”. Both images are adjusted properly as a background. So, check the below posts also.

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How to create a split landing page?

It is so simple to create a split landing page with the help of Html, CSS and Javascript.

Source code of Html:

Starting with an Html file. It will help us to create the content of the landing page like the image, button, and name of the product.

Code of CSS

Then create a file of CSS.

Source code of javaScript:

Again create a file of javascript. Name it as page.js and also save it in the same folder. Javascript will help us to animate our landing page images and sections. It is used for adding functionality to projects.

So, we need to connect these three files with each other. So that we can create a responsive and functional landing page. Without connecting these three files one can’t create a responsive landing page.

By using the above method you can create a responsive landing page for yourself. You need to open that folder and run the main file of Html and you will see your output in the browser.

If you are unable to create it or unable to connect these files with each other then don’t worry. I have created a zip file that has all these files. These files are connected with others using images properly. You just need to download this file and then extract all these files. Then open the folder and run the main file of Html. Then you will see your output in the browser (chrome).

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